Las Vegas Marriage License
You will need to get a Marriage License in Nevada for your Las Vegas Wedding. There is only one place in Las Vegas that can issue you your Marriage License. All the details are below.
How To Get Your Marriage License In Las Vegas
If you plan on getting legally married in Las Vegas, you will need to obtain a Marriage License in Nevada. The process is quite simple and we will provide you with everything you need to know. Here are the basics:
Both parties need to be present to get the Marriage License.
There is only one place in Las Vegas to get your Marriage License, at the Marriage Bureau.
You will need to fill out the marriage license application BEFORE you go: click here for the application.
Both parties need to be 18 or over, or if you are 16 or 17 you can have a guardian sign for you.
You will both need to bring a valid photo ID. Here is a list of Acceptable Identification
The Marriage License will cost you $77.
The Marriage Bureau is open from 8:00am to midnight every day of the year (yes! this includes weekends and holidays!).
Marriage Licenses are issued for opposite sex and same sex couples.
How To Apply Online
You can complete the application online for your Marriage License. It is not a necessity but it will certainly save you time. And hey - you're in Las Vegas, your time is better spent doing fun stuff! Even if you do not want to complete the application online, at least take a look at it so you can see what to expect. Here is the link to the online application: Marriage License Application
Where Is The Marriage Bureau?
The Clark County Marriage Bureau is located in The Regional Justice Center at 201 E Clark Ave. The phone number is 702-671-0600. The hours are 8:00am to midnight, daily.
The Marriage Bureau will issue you the Marriage License for your Las Vegas Wedding right then and there. Look it over carefully and be sure everything is correct before you leave the counter. Specifically names, birthdates and addresses. You will be given a large white envelope with 5 papers in it. Bring the whole thing with you to your wedding. To see what happens next, see this information: Certified Marriage Certificate